Sunday, July 17, 2011

The reward

You will teach to fly, but they will not fly your flight.
you will teach to dream, but they will not dream your dream.
You will teach to live, but they will not live you life.
Nevertheless in each flight, each dream, each life,
the sign of the taught way will last forever.

Mother Theresa of Calcutta.

An interesting  reflection about the mission of parents, teachers and catechists.

In spanish:
Enseñarás a volar, pero no volarán tu vuelo.
Enseñarás a soñar, pero no soñarán tu sueño.
Enseñarás a vivir pero no vivirán tu vida.
Sin embargo, en cada vuelo, en cada sueño,
en cada vida perdurará la huella del camino enseñado.

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